Kiteworks' Strategic Response to CentOS End-of-Life with Seal Security

Kiteworks Secures Systems Amid CentOS Support End-of-Life

Kiteworks, a California-based technology company, faced a significant challenge when Red Hat announced that support for CentOS images would end in June 2024. With some third-party libraries already lacking security updates, Kiteworks' systems became vulnerable, accumulating dozens of critical vulnerabilities without a viable solution.

The only viable option seemed to be migrating to a different Linux distribution—a process that would take over six months and risk breaking changes and loss of FedRAMP compliance.

Read the case study to learn how Seal Security:

  • Enabled Kiteworks to patch all CentOS-related vulnerabilities swiftly within days
  • Helped them maintain FedRAMP compliance
  • Allowed Kiteworks to pass critical vulnerability scans
  • Mitigated immediate security risks related to open source vulnerabilities
  • Provided the flexibility to plan and test a migration to an alternative Linux distribution without the risk of disruptive changes

Download the case study now to see how Seal Security transformed Kiteworks' approach to managing critical vulnerabilities.

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